I'm continuing with my YA coming-of-age mystery, Shades of Blue. (You can catch up on the earlier excerpts here.) This scene skips ahead a bit and needs some setup. JoJo has just discovered that Sam's step-father beats him and molests his step-sister Britney, and that Sam's mom drinks and takes sleeping pills. Sam is afraid he'll be sent out of state to live with his grandmother if the authorities find out everything, and he makes JoJo promise not to tell anyone. They talk it all through and Sam admits it's part of why he's been avoiding her for the past week. She tells him he'd better not ever keep anything from her again because he's her best friend and she's missed him. When she says that, Sam gives her the same look he gave her a few days earlier when they were wrestling and she thought he'd been about to kiss her. That brings back the horror of what she's just gone through with Chip, and this is how she reacts. (Creative punctuation alert!)
He put a hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face him, then he said, “What’s wrong, JoJo, you’re shaking.”
I was, and I couldn’t stop.
“I just . . . I don’t want things to change between us, Sam. We’ve been best friends since we were five years old, and that’s the way I want it to stay.”
He looked at me a few seconds, then he touched my cheek and said, “You’re a lot more than a friend to me, JoJo, I think you know that.”
I knew it as well as I knew that he was gonna kiss me and I was gonna let him this time, even though I was terrified.
He leaned toward me with his eyes slowly disappearing under his eyelids, and as soon as our mouths touched, I knew everything would be okay. All I could think of was how soft his lips were and how much I liked the way they felt against mine. Sam’s kiss completely erased the memory of Chip’s tongue in my mouth, and I made up my mind about something—what Chip had done didn’t count. This was my first kiss, and I refused to think otherwise.

More next week. Or you could always go buy your own copy of Shades of Blue here. ;-) Please also check out the other Snippet Sunday folks and the Weekend Writing Warriors. Something for everyone among these talented writers!
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