Desperate times call for desperate measures.
FACT: I need to finish my work-in-progress, a YA paranormal novel titled PENANCE.
FACT: It has already taken me longer to write this book than it took me to write my first three.
FACT: All productivity on my part comes crashing to a halt whenever my husband is home.
FACT: My husband is a teacher.
FACT: School is out for the summer.
Consequently, I have decided to join author Theodora Goss in her YA Novel Challenge, a NaNoWriMo type event meant to inspire/boost/dare/taunt some of her fellow writers into writing or revising a YA novel, or part of one, between June 1 and August 31. Obviously, she understands flummoxed writers like me since she’s made the rules so flexible!
I have every intention of winning this challenge with a completed manuscript. I’ve even got a big head start since I’ve already written almost 40,000 words of it. However, if I don’t finish my book, at least this challenge will make me update my woefully outdated blog more often, so I shall be claiming success either way!
Time to get off now and write. My mantra for the next few months is “BICHOK now, BICHOK forever!”
At least until August 31.
~Stay true to yourself and your dreams will come true.