I met Chrishawn through a Facebook group called D.I.V.A., which stands for Daring Intelligent Victorious All-Stars. (I'm known there as Blue Diva--big surprise, huh?--and Chrishawn is Darling Diva.) I'm thrilled to host her here as part of her current blog tour for her book, TRANSFORM YOUR PATH.
Please tell us a little about yourself.
Chrishawn Simpson: Let’s see, professionally, I am an author. I write literary fiction, young adult fiction, and inspirational/self-help books. I also dabble in writing poetry. I own two businesses, TransformYourPath.com and SimplyWitty.com. I am a Transformation Specialist. I help people, basically, to get off their butt and transform their path to make their life something great. Personally, I am a mom to a beautiful little boy who keeps me extremely busy and constantly on the go. I have a simple life in Kentucky, and that is fine with me. My main passion in life is to spread the word of God through my Transform Your Path program and through my books.
When did you know you wanted to become a writer and when did you begin to write?
Chrishawn Simpson: Actually, I was in my thirties when I got the urge to write. I had always written in journals, and when I was younger, a couple of friends and I would write ongoing stories based on our biggest star singer crushes at the time--Chico and El DeBarge. LOL. So 80s, I know. After going through many jobs and owning many businesses and not being fulfilled, I ventured out into writing. Writing was the one thing I always thought about and envisioned myself doing. I actually began to write in about 2003, when I started the now-retired magazine, Mom’s Big Little Helper. I stopped after that and picked it back up a couple of years ago.
What motivated you to write Transform Your Path?
Chrishawn Simpson: I wrote Transform Your Path because I really wanted to share my testimony with people and share what God has brought me through. I wanted to show people that no matter the circumstances and no matter what may happen in your life, you can overcome, you can succeed, you can be happy, and you can live the life you want to live. I wanted to show people that, although it sounds so cliché, you really can do whatever you put your mind too. If you have the correct mind-set, you can make things happen. This is a fact: transformation all starts with a change of mind-set. Most people, unfortunately, won’t put forth the necessary energies to transform and make their life better. They would rather sit around and complain about how life isn’t fair. That’s a shame because once you peel away the layers, the self-sabotaging beliefs, the shadows, and the damaging core beliefs, you are free to be strengthened, alive and whole! That’s why I wrote the book--to encourage people to accomplish their destinies and feed their souls with the help of God. It’s a choice and we all have a choice whether to lead a positive life or a negative life no matter what circumstances may be thrown at you.
Is there a specific message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
Chrishawn Simpson: Yes, yes, yes! The simple answer is that transforming your life from the negative to the positive will lead you to a much more joyous, empowering life of purpose and passion. Once you are transformed, you are free to be strengthened, alive and whole!
How long did it take you to complete Transform Your Path?
Chrishawn Simpson: About 8 weeks. I was on a roll! I actually thought it took longer, but when I looked at the calendar from when I started to when I finished, my total was 2 months. I was amazed. I would just write like I was in a trance. I talked to God the whole way through and just wrote what He told me to.
What genre(s) do you write?
Chrishawn Simpson: I write in the inspirational/self help, literary fiction, and young adult fiction genres. I have so many stories playing around in my head to write. I can’t wait.
How do you balance your family, writing, business, and other obligations that you have?
Chrishawn Simpson: Very carefully. I love to write and work on my businesses, so I always want to do it, but my son comes first. I try to work while he is at school so that when he comes home, my time is devoted to him. If I am not wiped out by the time I put him to bed, then I get more work down while he is sleeping. There are times when I really have to get something done or get a story out of my head but it’s “his” time. If this happens, he is really good about keeping himself occupied until I am done.
How have your loved ones supported you in your writing ventures? What are their feelings?
Chrishawn Simpson: I have the best family and friends. They are always there for me--giving me love, support, and guidance. They are my biggest advertisers! They are always telling their friends that I am an author and about my latest book that's out. They love what I do and, as long as I am happy, they are happy.
So tell us about your road to publication.
Chrishawn Simpson: Well, mine wasn’t a difficult one really. Currently, I self-publish my books through my publishing company, Prixy Publishing. I have an online printer that prints copies of my books. Since I use them, they also list me in their online bookstore. I purchased my own ISBN and I purchased a distribution package through my online print company. With the distribution package, I will be listed in the national book database and also on book sites such as Amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. Book stores will also be able to order my books online. I also approach local bookstores and see if I can sell my books in their stores.
What advice would you give to an aspiring writer?
Read all you can. Don’t stop reading just because you are a writer. When you read others’ works, it inspires you to write more. Plus you can learn different things from different authors. Write even when you don’t want to write. Write every day. You don’t always have to have the whole story laid out in your head in perfect order--write out different parts as they come to you then piece it together. You’ll eventually develop your own writing style and habits. If you want to start with the end of the story, start with it and work from there. There isn’t a right or wrong way, there’s your way. Find a writing partner or group. Use them for ideas, inspiration, and for critiques. They can help you grow as a writer. Network as much as possible! You can never know too many people, and you never know who might be of assistance to you.
What’s next for Chrishawn, the author? What are you currently working on?
I am working on a couple of things right now. My upcoming novel, Broken Spirit, is the first book in a three-book series that sheds light on childhood abuse--sexual, emotional, and physical--and the ramifications of said abuse: drug use, eating disorders, mental issues and suicide attempts. My prayers are that, with this series, the people suffering from abuse or those that have suffered from abuse in the past will understand that they are not alone and there is help out there. I am also working on another literary novel for young adults titled Can You Keep a Secret? I would tell you what it’s about, but I can’t. LOL. I had the plot laid out and another idea popped into my head while I was writing. Now I am juggling between the two and trying to see which one will win.
Where can readers find you and your books or how can they contact you?
Chrishawn Simpson: I love hearing from my readers! I can be found on my Web sites www.TransformYourPath.com and www.ChrishawnTheWriter.com. I am also very social on Facebook and Twitter.
Check me out at:
Currently, my books can be purchased from TransformYourPath.com and ChrishawnTheWriter.com. In the next few weeks, they will be available on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com and any bookstore can order them.
Locally in Kentucky, my books can be purchased at: Little Annie’s Books N More, 842 N. Bardstown Rd., Mt. Washington, KY 40047.
I can be reached by email at cesimpson1@yahoo.com.
Thanks for visiting, Chrishawn. Good luck with your books!
~Stay true to yourself, and your dreams will come true!